Blue Lakes in Antartica

8,000 beautiful blue lakes have randomly appeared in East Antarctica Dronning Maud Land. Scientists found out that the lakes are composed of meltwater that have surfaced atop the ice sheets during the last few decades and are worried that the lakes may affect one of the world’s largest ice mass. A worry among researchers is that the meltwater will affect patterns of ice melt, ice low, and ice shelf disintegration. It is possible that water from the lakes could seep through the glaciers and potentially weaken the glacier and break it apart. Scientists are suspecting that the fresh water from the melting ice could become rivers that flow into the salt water, which would create underwater tornado flow patterns which can cause further ice loss. Another concern of researchers is the melted fresh water coating the glacier and and helping increase the rate of glaciers lurching forward. Scientists believe that the current state of East Antarctica’s glaciers are not greatly threatened, but need to be monitored closely.

East Antarctica has never shown indications of being affected by global warming until now.Even though many people may not live close enough to the glaciers to enjoy their natural beauty and resources, but should still take notice of global climate change.The meltwater proves that global warming is a serious issue, especially because studies have shown that the amount of lakes are directly correlated with rising air temperature.  Many people may not feel the consequences of the fluctuations in the Earth’s climate because they are not affected directly. If glaciers continue to melt, a portion of human water source could be tainted with salty ocean water. The ice melting also causes sea levels to rise; affecting the many people who live in lower coastal regions. Future generations may not get the same opportunity to live near the East Atlantic coast due to the possible destruction of rising water levels. People should take the meltwater as a warning while the glaciers are still in equilibrium.  The importance of the glaciers and the threats of global climate change cannot go unnoticed.



Crew, Bec. “Thousands of Strange Blue Lakes Are Appearing in Antarctica, and It’s Very Bad News.” ScienceAlert. N.p., 22 Aug. 2016. Web. 30 Aug. 2016. <;.

Megan Darby. “Human Impact on Glacier Melt Increasing – Study | Climate Home – Climate Change News.” Climate Home Climate Change News Human Impact on Glacier Melt Increasing Study Comments. N.p., 14 Aug. 2014. Web. 30 Aug. 2016. <;.

“National Snow and Ice Data Center.” All About Glaciers. University Colorado Boulder, n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2016. <;.

O’Brien, Mat. “The Miraculous Story of Iceland.” Washington Post. The Washington Post, 17 June 15. Web. 29 Aug. 2016. <;.

“Out of Nowhere: 8,000 Blue Lakes Appear in Antarctica, Get Scientists Worried.” Sputnik. N.p., 22 Aug. 2016. Web. 30 Aug. 2016. <;.

Profeta, Tim. “Study: Glacial Lakes Appearing in Antarctica.” National Geographic Society Blogs. N.p., 25 Aug. 2016. Web. 30 Aug. 2016. <